Batch 1- Module D -Assessment

Total Marks- 100

No of Questions- 5

Start Date- 04/06/2022 21:00:00 IST

End Date- 08/06/2022 21:00:00 IST


  • Assessment will consist of ten questions carrying 20 marks each.
  • Answers should be written in your own language and should not exceed 500 words.
  • It is recommended that you first see the questions and prepare answers on word/notepad file offline.
  • Once you have all the answers, then press Start Quiz button to fill your answers in the form by pasting.
  • Do not use any style in word.
  • Only plain text should be used.
  • Do not press the Finish Quiz button till you have filled all the answers. It will not allow you to retake once submitted.
  • Kindly note that no requests to accept responses will be entertained after the link is taken down (i.e. post 21:00 hours on 5th July 2022). 
  • No re-attempt is allowed.
  • Pass percentage is set at 60%.


  1. Enumerate the principles related to prescribing of psychotropic medications to children and adolescents
  2. Discuss the indications, preparation for the procedure, and side effects of ECT in children and adolescents
  3. Elaborate the components of Parent Management Training (PMT) for Disruptive Behavior Disorders in children
  4. Discuss the process of assessment of disability certification of children with Intellectual Disability
  5. Enumerate the key points in Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012.