Batch 2- Module B -Assessment

Total Marks- 100

No of Questions- 10

Start Date- 11/06/2022 21:00:00 IST

End Date- 14/06/2022 21:00:00 IST


  • Answers should not be more than 500 words.
  • Each question is of 10 Marks.
  • no requests to accept responses will be entertained after the End Date
  • No re-attempt is allowed.
  • Don’t Press Finish Quiz button till you have filled all answers. It will not allow you to retake once submitted.
  • We recommend that you first see the questions bellow, Prepare the answer on word/notepad file offline. Once you have all the answers then press start quiz button to fill your answers in form by pasting content.
  • Don’t use any style in word. Only plain text.


1. What role does genetics play in the etiology of ADHD?
2. Discuss the temperamental dimensions underlying Conduct Disorder/ODD
3. Elaborate upon the risk factors implicated in Early Onset Bipolar Disorder
4. How does one manage alcohol intoxication in an adolescent
5. Discuss the pathophysiology of problematic Internet Use
6. Elaborate the role of psychosocial management of ADHD in children
7. Discuss the Parent Management Training skills in management of Disruptive Behavior Disorders in children
8. Discuss the differential diagnosis of Early Onset Bipolar Disorder
9. Discuss Cannabis as a “gateway” drug in adolescents
10. Outline the behavioral strategies for management of Internet Addiction