M.B.B.S from Rangaraya Medical college, Kakinada.
M.D. PSYCHIATRY from Andhra Medical college, Visakhapatnam.
DM-Child and Adolescent psychiatry from NIMHANS, Bengaluru.
DESIGNATION: PROFESSOR, Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam.
• Worked as Asst professor of psychiatry in N.R.I MEDICAL COLLEGE /N.R.I HOSPITAL-GUNTUR from 2009 to 2010
• Worked as Assistant professor of psychiatry, Osmania medical college/Psychiatrist at Institute Of Mental Health (IMH Hyderabad) –Erragadda, Hyderabad from 2010 to 2016
• Associate professor at Andhra Medical college /Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic at GHMC, Visakhapatnam.
• Consultant psychiatrist at Mahaveer hospital, Hyderabad.
• Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at Rainbow Hospitals, Visakhapatnam.
• Speaker at World conferences at WPA and WASP
• Speaker at National conference(ANCIPS), south zone conference(IPSOSCON) and SAARCPSYCON
• Speaker in National seminars, open forums on psychiatric topics
• Chairing sessions in CMEs as co-Chairpersons.
• Authored Chapter on Anxiety disorders in Reputed Text book of Undergraduate Psychiatry by Indian Psychiatric Society-Jaypee Publishers
• Presented research papers at zonal conference /awarded best research paper/posters at SAARCPSYCON
• Speaker for training doctors &Speaker for programmes conducted for Judges and Police officials.
• Published various Research Papers at peer reviewed journals.
• Attended as speaker for TV Programmes /caller-phone in live programmes in TV9;VANITA TV etc.
• Attended conferences and CME’S at National ,international, Zonal and state levels
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/childprotectnimhans
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nimhans_CPC
Dr. Nidhi Malhotra has completed MD in Psychiatry from PGIMER, Chandigarh. She is currently working as Associate Professor & Head, Department of Psychiatry at Dr. BR Ambedkar State Institute of Medical Sciences, Mohali, Punjab. She has more than 10 years of experience in teaching in Psychiatry and is an avid academician.
Her areas of interest include child psychiatry, medical student wellness, occupational stress and rehabilitation psychiatry besides general adult Psychiatry. In child psychiatry, she has special interest in autism and mental health issues of vulnerable children. She was awarded fellowship in Implementation Research in mental health in 2020, has many publications to her credit and has participated in multiple conferences.
Dr. Harshini Manohar is currently working as Assistant professor, Department of Child and Adolescent psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS),
She is affiliated to NIMHANS since 2019.
Completed DM (super specialty) in Child and Adolescent psychiatry, NIMHANS in June 2022.
Post-doctoral fellowship in Child and Adolescent psychiatry (2019) at JIPMER.
Worked as a senior Resident in Child Psychiatry at St. John’s medical college, Bangalore (2018).
Completed MD (Psychiatry) at JIPMER Puducherry (2017).
She has a keen interest in neurodevelopmental disorders, parent-mediated interventions, and psychotherapy. She had worked and published in the area of early interventions for children with neurodevelopmental disorders. She has many national and international publications to her credit.
MD Psychiatry in 1993 from AIIMS Delhi (Gold Medal)
Professor, National Drug Dependence Treatment Centre, AIIMS, New Delhi
and Faculty in-charge Adolescent Treatment Services at NDDTC, AIIMS
Running an Adolescent Drug Abuse Treatment Clinic from 2003 at NDDTC
• Been the principal investigator for –
1) Nationwide study on Assessment of pattern, profile and correlates of substance use in children funded by NCPCR in 2012-13
2) Study on Mapping and Size Estimation of Street Children Who Use Drugs in Delhi funded by the MSJE, GOI and Commissioned by Department of Women and Child development, Delhi Govt of Delhi in 2015-16
3) Ten city Survey on Substance Use among School and College Students funded by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MSJE), GOI in 2019-20
4) Extent of Mental Health issues & Addictive Behavior among Adolescents seeking help in Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics in Delhi funded by the Adolescent Health Division, Directorate of Family Welfare, Govt of NCT of Delhi in 2019-20
5) Screening and Intervention for Drug/Substance Use among Secondary School going Children funded by UEE Mission, Education Department Delhi in year 2020-21
• Been co-investigator for the following studies funded by WHO (India)–
1) Assessment of drug use in out of School Adolescents in 2008
2) Development of intervention for drug use in out of school adolescents in 2008-09
3) Coordination & convergence of Delhi District Health Services programmes & drug use intervention for the out of school children in 2010-11
• Have been a guide and co-guide for several MD, DM Addiction, PhD thesis on Adolescent Substance Use including those on clinical, biochemical, family based, neuroimaging and intervention related aspects
• Have more than 100 publications including journal articles, abstracts, chapters in books, manuals/books
Associate Professor of Addiction Psychiatry & Psychiatry, PGIMER, Chandigarh
Experience: Clinical and Research
Areas of Interest: Addiction Psychiatry, Public Health
Research / Achievements/Specific Contributions: Editorial Board Member for the American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Associate Editor for the Frontiers in Psychiatry (Addictive Disorders)
Fellow of the International Society of Addiction Medicine
Name: Dr. Nishant Goyal
Designation: Professor of Psychiatry
In Charge, Centre for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, fMRI Centre and Centre for Cognitive
Incharge, Academics
Affiliation: Central Institute of Psychiatry, Ranchi, India
Programme Coordinator, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support during Pandemic for CIP, Ranchi
Programme Coordinator, CIP Digital Academy
Joint Secretary and Founder Member, Neuromodulation Society (India)
Editor, Eastern Journal of Psychiatry
Review Editor, Frontiers in Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Areas of Interest/Specialization: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation,
Public Mental Health
Number of Publications: 90+
Awards & Fellowships: 20+
Area of Work: |
Consultation Liaison Psychiatry & Psychosomatic Medicine – Setting up & Managing services, Development of course & research. |
Digital Psychiatry – Establishing digital psychiatric services at AIIMS and developing mHealth platform. Institute wide Digital Research Initiative through REDCap server establishment. |
COVID-19 Services @ Psychiatry, AIIMS: |
Generation of resource materials and advocacy against stigma – AIIMS, Ministry of Health |
Development of the AIIMS COVID-19 Web portal – Research and resource compilation |
Tele-Psychiatry Services for Psychiatry – Setting up and quality monitoring of services |
Awards & Fellowships: |
2019 Balint Award – 26th National conference of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry, AIIMS Bhubaneshwar, Odisha |
2013 – Dr. GC Boral Award at the 20th National conference of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry, Chandigarh. |
Assistant Secretary General – Indian Association for Social Psychiatry: 2016-2020; EC Member – Indian Association for Social Psychiatry: 2021-2022 |
Chairperson – Website Committee – Indian Psychiatric Society: 2019-2021 |
Member – National Academy of Medical Sciences – 2019 |
Member of Committee for inspection of Mental Health Institutions in Delhi, by Delhi State Legal Service Authority and Central Mental Health Authority, Gov of India 2018. |
Member – Technical Expert Committee of OST for accreditation of De-addiction centers in India by NABH – NACO (DAC), MoHFW, Govt. of India |
I, Dr. Koushik Sinha Deb, am currently working as an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at AIIMS, New Delhi. I completed my MBBS from Medical College Kolkata in 2001 and my residency (MD) and senior residency at AIIMS in 2012. I have been working as a faculty at AIIMS for the past 7 years.
All through my career, I have been a keen researcher with an interest in technology and its application. I have worked as a WHO consultant for Health systems assessment and currently I am a consultant on the technological requirement and solutions for multiple national & international projects including national registries. I am the nodal person in my institute for the data management platform REDCap. My career aspiration focusses on developing technology-enabled solutions for mental health prevention, detection, and management; on developing e-services in mental health training and teaching; and in expanding scope and integrating mental health in all other health situations through liaison psychiatry.
Dr.Satya Raj, Professor, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India.
Qualifications are as below –
I completed my Training in Psychiatry, in 2008, at the Christian Medical College and since then I have been a Faculty in the Child and adolescent Psychiatry unit, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India.
I completed my FRANZCP – Fellowship from the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrist in Oct 2016
Experience in Australia
I was working as a Staff specialist in the Child and youth mental health service, Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health service, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
Consultant in Infant Mental Health,
Consultant – Evolve – working with children with trauma backgrounds.
Trained in Circle of security
Areas of interest
Infant mental health
Childhood trauma
Attachment in children
School Mental Health.
Neurodevelopmental disorders in children
Publications and research
I have publications in various national and International journals, and currently am working on 2 projects in mood disorders in children, 3 papers on the Psychological impact of COVID 19 in children and adolescents.
Conferences and workshops
I have attended various national and International conferences and have presented papers in these forums as well. I have conducted workshops for Paediatricians, General practitioners, school teachers, psychologist and social workers – on various topics in Child and adolescent mental health. I worked with ED LINQ in Australia, with a focus on School Mental Health.
Recently started “Infant mother nurture clinic” in CMC, the first of its kind in India.
Dr Reddy is a Professor of Psychiatry and Head, Department of Psychiatry and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Clinic at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore, India. Dr. Reddy has special interest in studying the long-term course and outcome of OCD and bipolar disorders and in the management of treatment resistant OCD patients. He is involved in studies of phenomenology, comorbidty, family-genetics, treatment resistance, neuropsychology, and neuroimaging in OCD. He has published extensively in international and national peer reviewed journals on OCD and bipolar disorders. He is also the reviewer for many national and international journals in psychiatry. He was awarded the Visiting commonwealth research fellow at the Oxford University Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Oxford, UK in the years 1999 and 2000. He has also been awarded the prestigious Sir C.V. Raman State Award for the Young Scientists for the year 2011 by the Government of Karnataka. Dr. Reddy has funded projects on OCD from the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), the Department of Science and Technology (DST), and the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) of the Government of India and a Ro1 grant from NIMH, USA which aims to study the reproducible biosigantures of OCD. He is also a member of the ENIGMA-OCD Working Group. Dr. Reddy is one of the principal investigators of an ambitious project funded by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, titled “Accelerator program for discovery in brain disorders using stem cells (ADBS)” He is a member of the WHO Working Group on Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders for revision of ICD-10. Dr. Reddy is the lead author of the Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) Clinical Practice Guidelines on OCD and on CBT in anxiety disorders and OCD and related disorders.
DM (2011-2014)- NIMHANS, Bangalore
PDF (2008-2009)- NIMHANS, Bangalore
MD (2004-2007)- Madurai Medical College, Tamil Nadu
MBBS (1996-2002)- Madras Medical College, Tamil Nadu
Work experience:
Served at Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, NIMHANS as non-PG and PG senior resident for 6 years from 2007-2014. She belongs to the first batch of PDF and DM in child and adolescent psychiatry at NIMHANS.
Worked at Department of Psychiatry, JIPMER as faculty for 6 year from 2014-2020. She was the course coordinator for PDF in child and adolescent psychiatry initiated at JIPMER in 2017.
Currently serving as consultant at Neuro Foundation, Salem, Tamil Nadu (2020-todate).
Area of Interest: Early intervention for Neurodevelopmental disorders, Childhood Anxiety Disorders.
Project and publications related to the topic (PBD):
Principal investigator for the project titled “Role of Genomic Biomarkers in predicting prophylactic response to lithium in Paediatric-onset Bipolar Disorder” funded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India (ECR/2016/001849).
Selvarajan S, Manohar H, Das S, Sakkarabani P, Kandasamy P. Lithium prophylaxis in early-onset Bipolar disorder: a descriptive study. Asian J Psychiatr. 2019:44, 172-4.
Kandasamy P, Jairam R, Srinath S. Affective disorders in children and adolescents: current status and controversies. In Child and Adolescent Psychiatry- Asian perspectives. Eds. Malhotra S, Paramala S. Springer. 2016:1;51-62.
Shivangi is a Child and Adolescent psychiatrist currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, Government Medical College and Hospital, Chandigarh.
Having a close association with a multidisciplinary team , she is involved with Government Rehabilitation Institute for Intellectual Disabilities and Ashreya- a residential home for persons with ID ; where she coordinates research and training besides clinical psychiatry services. The umbrella of the services also shadows Samarth , Juvenile Justice Home and Nariniketan .
Besides working with Child and Adolescent mental health, specifically -developmental disabilities, she is actively involved in the areas of child sexual abuse, training teachers in life skills education and qualitative research as well.
She has relevant research work, publications, paper presentations, symposia, workshops and training programs with a special interest in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the national and international level.
MBBS: Kasturba Medical College,
Manipal, Karnataka (2010)
MD Psychiatry: PGIMER, Chandigarh (2014)
DM Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: PGIMER, Chandigarh (2017)
Disorder: Perspectives from a developing nation”. Asian Journal of Psychiatry
Dr Darpan Kaur is currently working as Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Department of Psychiatry, Mahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai. She is additionally In Charge of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic at the Department of Psychiatry, MGMMC, Navi Mumbai. She is Consulting Psychiatrist at Satguru Mind Care, Mumbai. She is also visiting Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at Apollo Hospital, Navi Mumbai.
She received her post graduation training in Psychiatry from the prestigious Christian Medical College, (CMC), Vellore. Subsequently, she worked as a Consultant and Research Officer at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Christian Medical College, (CMC), Vellore. She has received the Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) Travel Fellowship training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, NIMHANS, Bangalore.
She has successfully completed online course on Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy offered by the European Psychiatric Association. She has also participated and completed online course and live training in Cue-centred Therapy from Stanford Medicine.
She has relevant research work, publications, paper presentations, symposia, workshops and training programs with a special interest in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the national and international level.
She has been awarded with AS Johnson Gold Medal Essay Prize in Schizophrenia (CMC Vellore), Fellowship of Dr Ramachandra N Moorthy Foundation for Mental Health and Neurological Sciences at NIMHANS, Luke Clack Young Scientist Award by the Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health, (IACAM), Prof NN Wig Memorial Essay Prize (GCBP) and Mental Health Leadership Award.
She has been awarded the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Young Psychiatrist Fellowship, The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) Fellowship Award, The Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology (JSPN) Fellowship Award, World Federation for Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP) Young Investigator Award and Early Career Psychiatrist Award by the Congress Committee, Institute of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt. She was selected for the Adopt a Delegate Program at the World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP). She has also received the RCPsych South Asian Division Poster Bursary Prize from the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK.
She is currently Assistant Editor of the Indian Journal of Psychiatry, Assistant Editor of the Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry and Review Editor for Psychological Therapies, Frontiers in Psychiatry. She is the Chairperson of the Digital Psychiatry Subcommittee of the Indian Psychiatric Society, Western Zonal Branch. She is the Cochairperson of the Technology and Psychiatry Specialty Section of the Indian Psychiatric Society, (IPS). She is the Cochairperson of the Web and Social Media Committee of the Indian Association of Private Psychiatry, (IAPP).
She is member of national organisations such as Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS), Indian Association of Private Psychiatry (IAPP), Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health (IACAM) and Indian Association of Biological Psychiatry (IABP). She is also a member of international organisations such as World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry (WFSBP), The Association for the Advancement of Philosophy and Psychiatry (AAPP) and Global Mental Heath (GMH) Think Tank.
T.N.M.C & B.Y.L Nair Ch Hospital, Mumbai
(T.N.M.C & B.Y.L Nair Ch Hospital, Mumbai)
(T.N.M.C & B.Y.L Nair Ch Hospital, Mumbai)
Dr Prabhat Sitholey is a practicing Consultant Psychiatrist in Lucknow. Dr Sitholey graduated from GSVM Medical College in 1971. He obtained MD (Psych) from the King George’s Medical University in 1975, joined its faculty and became Professor and Head of Psychiatry. He retired in 2010.
Dr Sitholey obtained training in child and adolescent psychiatry in Southampton, England.
Dr Sitholey’s work has been published in national and international journals and cited in international textbooks on child and adolescent psychiatry.
Dr Sitholey was Founding Fellow and President of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and President of the IPS Central Zone. He has been Chairperson of the IPS Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Specialty Section.
Dr Sitholey’s awards include:
Commonwealth Medical Fellowship Award for training in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in England.
PPA Oration Award of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
IPS Central Zone Oration Award
Marfatia Best Paper Award of Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Best Poster Presentation Award of Delhi Psychiatric Society
Prof. Shoba Srinath is a Consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist.
A well-known and felicitated clinician and teacher. She retired as a Senior Professor and was head of the Department of Psychiatry, the Dept. of Child and Adolescent psychiatry, and Dean Behavioural Sciences at the National Institute of Mental Health& Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore.
She did her MBBS at the Karnataka Medical College, Hubli and DPM and MD in Psychiatry from NIMHANS, Bangalore.
Dr. Shoba’s major areas of clinical interests and research are childhood autism, obsessive compulsive disorders and mood disorders. She has published in these areas as well as in epidemiology and other areas.
Professor Santosh is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist at the Maudsley Hospital, and a Professor in Developmental Neuropsychiatry and Psychopharmacology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neurosciences (IoPPN), King’s College London. He is an internationally recognised expert in paediatric psychopharmacology, ADHD, ASD, Rett syndrome, and heads the national and specialist Centre for Interventional Paediatric Psychopharmacology and Rare Diseases (CIPPRD), and the Centre for Personalised Medicine in Rett Syndrome (CPMRS) and a digital health innovator.
His expertise lies in managing children and adolescents with severe and complex treatment resistant neuropsychiatric disorders, rare diseases, and acquired brain injury. His research includes personalised medicine, psychopharmacology, conducting clinical trials in Rett syndrome, and investigating emotional behavioural autonomic dysregulation (EBAD) in patient populations.
Professor Santosh is a Professor in Developmental Neuropsychiatry and Psychopharmacology at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neurosciences (IoPPN), King’s College London. His main focus is on translational research exploring new ways to improve patient care, psychopharmacology, clinical trials in Rett syndrome, autonomic dysregulation in patient populations, and personalized medicine.
Jai Ranjan Ram is a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist now working in Kolkata, India.
He works from Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, India and is also attached Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy and Institute of Child Health, Kolkata as Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist. He received his undergraduate medical education from Kolkata and then did his postgraduate training from NIMHANS, Bangalore, India. He worked as a Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist in Wakefield, South Yorkshire, UK, after obtaining his CCST from Wessex Deanery. He wanted to be a travelling chef but chose a far less interesting career of Medicine instead. However, as a Psychiatrist with special interest in children and young people, he gets to relive the dreams and aspirations of young minds and feels blessed that he has, in his own very small way, enabled some troubled minds to gain freedom and blossom. He co-founded Mental Health Foundation, Kolkata (www.mhfkolkata.com) which focuses on providing treatment for mental illness and provides training for capacity building for organisation working on the interface of education and social care.
He has been teaching Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Mphil in Clinical Psychology Course at Calcutta University since 2007 and has been teaching and training pediatricians and psychiatrists extensively on Child Psychiatry. He actively collaborates and advises several NGO’s based in West Bengal which works with children with disability and those who have survived abuse.
He is a firm believer in improving access to mental health care and believes that is only possible if there is increased access to high quality training program for frontline community workers.
Dr. Suresh Bada Math completed his MBBS from Karnatak Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubli, in 1998 and MD in Psychiatry from National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore in Aug 2001. Dr Suresh continued his academic career and earned various degrees such as DNB in Psychiatry, Postgraduate Diploma in Medical ethics and law (PGDMLE) & Postgraduate Diploma in human rights and law (PGDHRL) from National Law School of India University, Bangalore.
He also did a PhD in Law from the National Law School of India University, Bangalore. Now, He is Prof of Psychiatry, Head of the Forensic Psychiatry Psychiatry Unit and Head of the Telemedicine Center, Head of Unit-5 (General Psychiatry), and Consultant of Community Psychiatry, NIMHANS, Bangalore. His keen interest in research has led me to be the investigator in various research projects, which is depicted through the 324 publications in national and international journals.
He led a landmark study as a principal investigator in 2009 titled ‘The Bangalore Prison Mental Health Study: Local Lessons for National Action’, which was funded by Karnataka State Legal Service Authority, Karnataka. He played a crucial role in starting Free Legal Aid clinic at NIMHANS institute in collaboration with Karnataka State Legal Service Authority, Karnataka in 2011.
He is also visiting faculty to Karnataka Judicial Academy, Bangalore and National Law School of India University, Bangalore. He was actively involved in post-disaster relief work at Tsunami (Andaman & Nicobar) in 2004-05 and Flashfloods (Uttarkhand) 2013.
Recognizing his contributions Karnataka Chapter, the Indian Psychiatric Society has honored him with ‘Prof Raghuram’s-Distinguished Young Teacher Award, in the 25th Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society–Karnataka Chapter held on 29th and 30th of August 2015 and also won Dr.C.V.Raman Young Scientist Award in Medical Field for the year 2015-16, Government of Karnataka.
Dr. Uma Hirisave is a Professor in the Department of Clinical Psychology. Her areas of Interest are development of psychological tests, preventive and promotive interventions, play, group and narrative therapies, specific learning disability and school mental health. She has organized several workshops in national and international conferences. She has published over 90 papers in the area of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and a book on psychological assessment which is well received by post-graduates in the field and also manuals for child psycho-social development. The fourth edition of the book was recently published. She has completed many projects as Investigator/co-investigator. She has functioned as an expert advisor in several regional and national committees. She has guided 12 students for PhD and several students for M.Phil dissertations in the area of child and adolescent mental health. She was awarded Asha Nigam award for her contribution to the field of clinical psychology by IACP. Her hobbies include listening to music, gardening and reading.
Dr. Nishant Goyal is heading the Centre for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Central Institute of Psychiatry and has initiated regular neurodevelopmental clinic at CIP since last 05 years. He is also the in-charge of academics and examination section of the Institute. He is designated as an External Expert and Advisor by National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), New Delhi under Ministry of Women and Child Development and is involved in policy and programme making and implementation and conducting workshops in the Eastern region on various subject matters under the purview of NCPCR.
He is also heading the Centre for Cognitive Neurosciences and Neuropsychiatry Services including weekly epilepsy clinic at Central Institute of Psychiatry and has developed first non-invasive Brain Stimulation Lab in the entire eastern region of the Country with state of art facilities including Robotised, 3-D Neuronavigated TMS/rTMS, HD-tDCS, tDCS, tACS, tES and hybrid stimulation facilities at Central Institute of Psychiatry (CIP). Neuroscience research using high resolution EEG and ERP systems complemented with video EEG, fNIRS and PSG facilities are a prominent feature. The lab is involved in clinical and experimental research in the field of mental health and neurosciences.
He has published more than 70 papers in reputed international and national journals (Scopus indexed). He has published mainly in the areas of Brain Stimulation, high resolution EEG including cortical source localization and EEG connectivity and clinical child and adolescent psychiatry. He has authored/co-authored 06 book chapters particularly in the areas of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health Services development and history.
He has mentored/guided more than 55 post graduate research mostly in the field of Brain Stimulation and Cognitive Neurosciences. Currently he is guiding 10 post graduate thesis/dissertations in mental health and neurosciences including PhD candidates particularly in the field of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
Dr. Satish Chandra Girimaji completed his MBBS from Bangalore Medical College in 1980 and MD (Psychiatry) from Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh in 1983.
He has been working as a faculty in NIMHANS since December 1984, initially in the Department of Psychiatry and subsequently in the Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. He currently holds the position of Senior Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. He functioned as the Dean of Behavioural Sciences Division for more than 2 years, and as officiating Director of NIMHANS for around 2 months.. His major areas of interest are clinical, genetic and community aspects of neurodevelopmental disorders, child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy. He has served as the member of WHO working group on revision of intellectual disability section of ICD-10.
Dr. Vivek Benegal (Professor of Psychiatry) trained as a psychiatrist and specialised in the area of Addiction Medicine.
He was instrumental in setting up the current treatment services, and the post-doctoral and super-speciality training facilities at the Centre for Addiction Medicine at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore. His special area of interest is in interventions for adolescents and young adults with addictive disorders especially behavioural (technology) addictions and externalizing disorders (Adult ADHD).
Over the last 25 years, he has sought to explore the mechanisms through which exposure to environmental stressors throughout the developmental period (including maternal stressors, childhood adversities, neurotoxins, nutrition and other social economic dynamics of health) interact with individual genetic programming, to alter trajectories of brain development and acquisition of psychological abilities, which underlie vulnerability/resilience to mental illness.
Dr. Benegal received the Newton Bhabha Award to initiate the Consortium on Vulnerability to Externalizing Disorders and Addictions (cVEDA), one of the largest international neurodevelopmental cohorts,following 10000 youngsters across 8 sites throughout India. He is also involved in another large longitudinal study, the Accelerator program for Discovery in brain disorders using stem cells (ADBS), studying the mechanisms underlying severe mental illnesses. He has also co-led the National Mental Health Survey of India, to collect data on the prevalence and incidence of mental disorders and on the use of and need for services by the mentally ill in India. He has also led numerous studies on the epidemiology of substance use and its impact on public health and social cost in India.
Dr. Debasish Basu is Professor and Head, Department of Psychiatry, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India, where he is involved in psychiatric service, postgraduate psychiatric teaching, research and administration. His area of work includes general adult psychiatry, addiction psychiatry, and dual diagnosis, and he is also currently a core faculty for the DM Child and Adolescent Psychiatry course in the Department.
Awards and Recognition :
Dr. Basu has been awarded with several honours, distinctions, and awards, both at national and international levels. At the national level, he has received a total of 26 awards. At the international level, he was awarded the prestigious NIDA-INVEST Fellowship in USA, for one year (2002-2003), where he conducted research in the area of psychiatric genetics at Yale University School of Medicine. He was also awarded the NHS International Fellowship by the National Health Service, UK, under its NHS International Fellowship Programme, to work as a Consultant Psychiatrist.
Professional Affiliations, Editorship, Publications :
Dr. Basu is Fellow/Member of several national and international professional societies, and serves as a peer reviewer in many medical journals published both from India and abroad. He has served in editorial capacity in several scholarly journals. He is currently the Founding Editor of World Social Psychiatry, the official journal of the World Association of Social Psychiatry. He has also served on several national and international forums related to addiction psychiatry. He is a member of the Addiction Psychiatry Section of the World Psychiatric Association.
Dr. Basu has many funded and non-funded research work, and has more than 350 scientific publications to his credit, including books, several book chapters, and articles and abstracts published in national and international journals. He has presented his research or given scientific talks at more than 200 academic meets in India and abroad.
Professor of Psychiatry, St.John’s Medical College Hospital(SJMCH), Bangalore and Head, CARE-ADD
Completed MD from NIMHANS and was a Senior Resident till 1993. Was a Visiting Registrar, Liverpool, UK 1993-1994. Has worked and developed child mental health services at SJMCH from 1994 onwards. He worked as a Consultant Psychiatrist, Sheffield Care Trust, UK and Senior Clinical Lecturer, Academic Department of Psychiatry, University of Sheffield – 2003-2005.
Working within a Multidisciplinary Team, he has contributed to the St. John’s Centre for Children with Special Needs, called Unit of Hope, within SJMCH, where he coordinates Research and Training.
In August 2019, launched CARE-ADD: Centre for Advanced Research and Excellence in Autism and Developmental Disorders, within SJMCH. His team at CAREADD focus on many aspects of Autism and Developmental Disorders, including Early Intervention models, genetics, electrophysiology and play behaviours, besides public health models for ASD.
He started a one year Fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at SJMCH under the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences in 2020.
He has developed a scale to screen for ASD in 9-18 months old. Other studies include development of an instrument to measure Adolescent Depression and exploring the role of Iron in ADHD. Is currently developing tools for Anxiety and Panic disorders in Kannada as part of an ICMR Task Force study (PANIQ). He has also published in the area of Schizophrenia, Alcoholism and UG/PG training and is part of an ICMR multicentric study exploring services for metabolic syndrome in Schizophrenia.
He now chairs the IEC (Behavioural Sciences) at NIMHANS, Bangalore. He is a Hub Director for the NIH-FIC Grant PRIIIA aimed at research training for young professionals in Cognition. As Chairperson, Research Capacity Building Committee, IPS-SZ, he conducts online weekly research training program for Psychiatrists.
Dr. Vivek Agarwal is professor and head of psychiatry at K. G. Medical University Lucknow.
He has been working in child psychiatry for the last 20 years and has published more than 100 papers, book chapters nationally and internationally. He received many awards. He had served as Treasurer, Editor JIACAM and Hon. Secretary General of Indian Association for Child and adolescent Mental Health. His areas of interest are conversion disorder, childhood anxiety disorders, OCD and ADHD.
She is MD (Psychiatry), DM (Child & Adolescent Psychiatry) from PGIMER, Chandigarh.
She has been in psychiatry practice for 10 years. She is a trained and qualified child and adolescent psychiatrist with an experience of around 7 years of working exclusively with children, adolescents, their families and having a close liaison with schools. She has many research publications to her credit. She has co-authored around 15 book chapters and all deal with issues related to child and adolescent psychiatry. She is an office bearer in national societies (Indian Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health) as well as local societies, namely Joint secretary of Chandigarh Down Syndrome Society, office bearer of Tricity Psychiatrist Society. She has been a speaker at various national, international and regional conferences. She is an avid academician and is passionate about taking child and adolescent psychiatry to higher levels.
Dr Nitin Gupta has over 25 years of professional experience in Psychiatry and is working as a Consultant Psychiatrist since 2000. He is in full-time Private Practice since 2019. He has previously worked as Professor of Psychiatry at Government Medical College & Hospital, Sector 32 (GMCH-32), Chandigarh, India from 2012-2019, with additional charge of Medical Superintendent, Mental Health Institute, GMCH-32, Chandigarh (a Rehabilitation set-up). Prior to that, he worked as a Consultant Psychiatrist in the South Staffordshire & Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, UK in General Adult Psychiatry with additional Lead Responsibility for the local Liaison Services from December 2003-February 2012. He also held the additional post of Honorary Visiting Lecturer at the Centre of Mental Health and Ageing, Staffordshire University, Stafford, UK from 2008-2013. He worked as Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, PGIMER, Chandigarh from 2000-2003. His areas of special interest include Psychotherapy, Adolescent Psychiatry, Clinical Psychopharmacology, Risk Management, Community & Rehabilitation Psychiatry, Liaison Psychiatry.
He was awarded the Kataria Memorial Gold Medal of PGIMER for the best postgraduate student of the Institute for year 1996-97. He is the recipient of over 20 National/Zonal Conference awards, and 5 Clinical Excellence Awards during his tenure in the NHS, UK. He has over 250 scientific publications; and has co-authored 6 books/textbooks on mental health. He has attended over 100 national and international conferences and has made presentations and chaired sessions in different forums.
His current Editorial Positions include Editor Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry, Co-Editor (Founding) – World Social Psychiatry; Associate Editor-Drugs and Therapeutics Section of the BJPsych Bulletin and Assistant Editor-Indian Journal of Psychiatry. He is holding/has held key Executive Positions with various National and Zonal organizations.
Chhitij is a child and adolescent psychiatrist working as Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, MLN Medical College, Allahabad.
He holds an affiliate research appointment with the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London and is also an adjunct faculty at Centre of Behaviour & Cognitive Sciences, University of Allahabad. Chhitij trained in psychiatry at King George’s Medical University, Lucknow and at the Maudsley hospital, London. He is the current Secretary of the Indian Association of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (IACAM) and the cochairperson of the Child Psychiatry speciality section of Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS). Chhitij is regularly involved in planning and organizing academic activities in this capacity. He considers himself a student of psychiatry more than anything else and is interested in all aspects of child psychiatry. However, he has a special interest in neurodevelopmental disorders and spends considerable time in an honorary capacity at a child development centre managed by his wife who is a paediatrician.
Dr Henal Shah is a Professor (Additional) at the Department of Psychiatry, Nair Hospital, Mumbai. Having obtained her Master’s in Psychiatry from KEM Hospital Mumbai, she followed this with experience at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children at Glasgow. Returning to Mumbai she has been working in KEM Hospital followed by her work at the her current hospital.
She is keenly interested in the area of child and adolescent psychiatry and presented and published in this field. Nair has been running a School mental health clinic for nearly 30 years; over the last 15 years Dr Shah has contributed to the growth of CAMH services and education at Nair. Currently there is a centre for specific learning disability, a multidisciplinary centre for autism ADI, a remedial centre for SLD; Vivekananda remedial centre. She has been instrumental in starting a post doc Fellowship in child and adolescent mental health under the aegis of Maharashtra University of Health Services. Besides CAMH she is passionate about medical education and received an International Masters in Health Professional Education from University of Maastricht and is a global faculty in medical education and Co Director of FAIMER Institute in GSMC , Mumbai. She has received the Bai Savitribai Phule award by the Mayor of Mumbai for excellence in work and contribution to health services of MCGM (Municipal corporation) and an International Fellowship for Medical Education (IFME) awarded by Foundation for Advancement in International Medical Education and Research, (FAIMER) Philadelphia. She has been awarded St. Vincent’s Foundation, Thomas Trauer Grant (Melbourne) for Development of a skill based Fellowship training program in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Mumbai.
Pratap Sharan, MD (Psychiatry), PhD, is currently a Professor with the Department of Psychiatry, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi; where he also officiates as the Professor-in-Charge of Student Welfare Services. He has previously worked as a Medical Officer at the World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva (2002-2004) and faculty member at the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh (1995-2005). He was a Member of WHO International Advisory Group for the Revision of ICD-10 Mental and Behavioural Disorders (2009 – 2018) & is a member of the International Advisory Group for Training and Implementation for ICD-11 Mental, Behavioural and Neurodevelopmental Disorders (2018 – onwards).
He was also a member of the WHO Working Group on Eating Disorders for the Revision of ICD-10 Mental and Behavioural Disorders and the Field Studies Coordination Group. He has served as the President of the Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and as the Editor of the Association’s journal. He is the President of the Indian Association for Social Psychiatry and had served as a Vice President of the association (2018-2021). He is a Senior Editor for the Journal of Eating Disorders and Associate Editor for National Medical Journal of India. He has conducted research in collaboration with World Health Organization, Geneva; World Health Organization – South East Asia Regional Office, New Delhi and Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi; and has authored over 200 papers, monographs, books and chapters. His main areas of interest are public mental health, occupational mental health, psychotherapy, psychometry, cultural issues in psychiatry, and classification of mental disorders.
He did his MD from Central Institute of Psychiatry Ranchi, pursued further training in UK & Canada. He has been in private practice for more than 30 years, currently working as Consultant in Woodlands Hospital Kolkata and is Director of Mental Health Care Centre Kolkata & Burdwan.
His area of interest is Child Psychopharmacology and Public Mental Health. He has presented papers, symposia and workshop in conferences of IPS, IACAM, IASP, WPA, IACAPAP & WASP. He has published in indexed journal and has contributed chapter to book. He was Editor of Bengal Journal of Psychiatry. He has been in the reviewer team of Indian Journal of Psychiatry and Frontier Science (Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Rehabilitation). He has served as convener and chairman of specialty section of child and adolescent psychiatry in Indian Psychiatric Society. Presently he is Vice President and President Elect of Indian Association of Child & Adolescent Mental Health. His philanthropic interest is in the area of education of children and vocational training of women from financially weak families.
He is Consultant Adult & Child Psychiatrist, Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital & Galaxy Care Hospital, Pune
Former Deputy Medical Superintendent, HOD,Psychiatry Dept & in charge, Child Guidance Centre, YCM Hospital, Pune
He is M.D. & done Course in CAP (NIMHANS, Bangalore) & Yoga (Pune University)
He is currently President, Indian Association for Child & Adolescent Mental Health (IACAM) & past President , IPS – Western Zonal Branch 2014-15. He was Central Council member, IPS 2008-2020, He is Life fellow of IPS, IACAM, IASP,IAIP & Member of AACAP.
He was Organizing Secretary, 66th ANCIPS-2014 & 13th IACAMCON – 2015 & he organized various workshops for Parents & Teachers regarding Child Mental Health issues.
He established Psychiatry Department with OPD services at YCM Hospital in 1993 which was subsequently expanded with full fledge infrastructure (including clinical psychologist & PSW) culminated in training P.G. for DPM course affiliated with Collage of Physician & Surgeon, Bombay. In 2004 he established Child Guidance Centre with Play therapy unit, catering CAMH services to 15 lac populations & 400 schools.
In capacity of Deputy Medical Superintendent (2015-16) he looked after general administration of hospital 750 beds capacity & was instrumental in starting new wards, expansion of existing facilities & starting ultramodern Blood Bank.
He worked as Co-ordinator for project of establishing P. G. Institute at YCM Hospital, as joint venture of PCMC & Maharashtra University of Health Sciences (MUHS) during 2012-2013.
His work included preparing basic data, liaison with state government & MUHS; procuring Consent of Affiliation certificate & Essentiality certificate; prepared Recruitment Rule for creating 118 teaching posts requiring for PG Medical Institute & perused it to get approval from State Government.
He was instrumental in starting diploma courses in 12 medical specialties at YCM Hospital affiliated to Collage of Surgeons & Physician, Bombay in year 1999.
He was Visiting Psychiatrist, SNEHALAYA NGO Working for Rehabilitation of Children of Commercial Sex Worker Ahmednagar & Mother Teresa Home for destitute at Thatwade, Chinchwad, Pune (Weekly visit)
He presented various papers, symposium, workshops in zonal, National & International conferences on child mental health issues. His publication are :
1. School mental health programme in Maharashtra – Today and way ahead, Annals of Indian Psychiatry, (Year : 2017 | Volume : 1 | Issue : 1 | Page : 4-7),
2. Clinical Practice Guidelines for Sleep Disorders , IJP, January
3. SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH – REACHING THE MASSES, Chapter in book Different Strokes – An IPS PublicationI,Indian Psychiatric Society, First Edition: January, 2015
Former Dean and Professor of Psychiatry; and Head Department of Psychiatry and Deaddiction and Treatment Centre at Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research Chandigarh.
She is MD, PhD, Hon Fellow American College of Psychiatrists, Fellow of National Academy of Medical Sciences. She had WHO and British Council Fellowships for training in child and adolescent psychiatry in the USA and UK. She headed the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Services in the PGIMER Chandigarh for over 35 yrs. She has been in academic psychiatry for about 45 yrs in the PGIMER Chandigarh. She has been an author and a speaker at many national and international conferences, seminars, meetings; published several books, book chapters and research papers. She has served on many technical advisory committees of Government of India Ministry of Health and FW, ICMR, WHO. She has held offices in many national and international professional societies.
She founded and has been the force behind the formation of the Indian Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health in 1991 and is currently its Life President. She has been Past President of the Asian Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions; Assistant Secretary General of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions; Board Member of Child Psychiatry Section of the World Psychiatric Association, Executive Committee Member of the Education Sub-Committee of the World Psychiatric Association.
She has been keenly involved in developing systems and models for enhancing resources for service and training in child psychiatry in India providing impetus for development of child psychiatry as an academic discipline. She has pioneered research in telepsychiatry in the country and developed a model for delivering mental health care in remote unserved areas through non specialists. She has received several awards from national and international bodies and professional societies. Among others, she has received International Award in recognition of exemplary service and global leadership through service, teaching, research and advocacy in child psychiatry in Asia by the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions.